Thursday, March 5, 2009

You know its bad when... get to your clients and see the following,
Illegal immigrants are on-site to cut down on hourly wages.
Employees not wearing shoes to work.
Employees wearing plastic bags over their face in place of safety glasses

I've attached the following link for everyone to refer to if you need cheap and accessible safety supplies.Don't let this happen to you when you get to work. Lab Safety Supplies

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Let the Greening begin...

This article is about ex-gang bangers in the Los Angeles area finding work in the solar industry.

I hope this is the start and a sign of the economy turning around. FYI.. I'm sick and tired about hearing how bad the economy is. This was how bleak my life was last week. First round of lay-offs at my company.. Death in the family... Cab drivers depressing the heck out of me.... Somebody bring me a strong drink please.

I think it's about time we start spreading good news. I've decided to speak only to positive people, stop watching the news, and no more listening to talk radio. I had two great meetings this morning with people who were happy!! Can you believe it?!? Happy! These meetings changed my whole outlook on the day, the week, and the year! If you're sad or depressed, for the sake of humanity and our economy, please see a shrink. Do not share the horrible news with your friends, family, or the person sitting next to you at the bus station. Let's try spreading good news for a change! I promise to return the favor. The future is looking bright for all these ex-cons and I know they've probably seen more hardship than I could ever imagine. Kudos to them!